Building smarter and faster


Developing your own AI Capabilities?


Tools and Resources We Use and Recommend



A great toolset for AI. scikit-learn is an open source library of tools for data analysis and AI for Python developers. It can help you get up and running quickly but also give you the control you often need to tune the AI for your specific needs.


Need a tool to both help you build, host and improve your application with advanced analytics and user feedback. As well as easily integrate to many useful services and advance prebuilt AI capabilities. Firebase is a great pay as you grow Back-end-as-a-Service (BaaS). It is the newest kid on the block from Google. Simpler than using Google Cloud Services.


Premium cloud services that can be customized to any need. If you need scalable compute resources, back-end services for hosting your application and data then Amazon has everything. It also has both AI tools and ways to have an army of real people help you with tasks that AI is still not capable of handling using Amazon Mechanical Turk crowdsourcing.

POSTGRES & Enterprise DB

First for storing your information you need a great database and PostgreSQL and its enterprise version EDB are great choices. They are both Open Source and have a lot going for them. It has one of the best spatial extensions, PostGIS, available in any database.


PostGIS is the Open Source Spatial Extension for the PostgreSQL database. Together they allow you to store and manipulate almost any data you have.


Leaflet is an Open Source web mapping tool with many additional libraries to add any of the features you are looking for in an enterprise level mapping system.